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A Zulu family / Nancy Durrell McKenna.

By: McKenna, Nancy Durrell.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Minneapolis : Lerner Publications, 1986, c1984Description: 31 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm.ISBN: 0822516667 (lib. bdg.) :.Uniform titles: KwaZulu South Africa Subject(s): Zulu (African people) -- Juvenile literature | Kwazulu (South Africa) -- Juvenile literature | Zulu (African people) | Family life -- South Africa | Kwazulu (South Africa) -- Social life and customs | South Africa -- Social life and customs | Zulus | Kwazulu (South Africa) | South Africa -- Social life and customs | Family lifeDDC classification: 968.4/9106 Summary: Presents the experiences of an eleven-year-old Zulu girl and her family living in the South African homeland of Kwazulu , describing the work of her relatives and neighbors, her chores and schoolwork, and her pride in her Zulu heritage.
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