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1. Road novels 1957-1960 / Jack Kerouac ; [edited by Douglas Brinkley].

by Kerouac, Jack, 1922-1969 | Brinkley, Douglas.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Library of America : Distributed to the trade in the U.S. by Penguin Putnam, c2007Availability: No items available

2. On the road / Jack Kerouac.

by Kerouac, Jack, 1922-1969.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Fiction Publisher: New York : Viking, c1997Availability: No items available

3. The Dharma bums / Jack Kerouac ; introduction by Ann Douglas.

by Kerouac, Jack, 1922-1969.

Edition: 50th anniversary ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Fiction Publisher: New York : Viking, 2008, c1958Availability: No items available

4. On the road [dvd videorecording] /Sundance Selects ; IFC Films ; MK2 Diffusion ; Film 4 ; directed by Walter Salles ; screenplay by Jose Rivera ; presented by MK2 and American Zoetrope ; a Jerry Leider Company production, in association with Vanguard Films ; produced by Nathanael Karmitz, Charles Gillibert, Rebecca Yeldham, Roman Coppola.

by Salles, Walter | Karmitz, Nathanael, 1978- | Gillibert, Charles | Yeldham, Rebecca, 1976- | Coppola, Roman | Rivera, Jose, 1955- | Riley, Sam, 1980- | Hedlund, Garrett, 1985- | Stewart, Kristen, 1990- | Adams, Amy | Sturridge, Tom | Braga, Alice | Moss, Elisabeth, 1983- | Morgan, Danny | Dunst, Kirsten, 1982- | Mortensen, Viggo, 1958- | Gautier, Eric, 1961- | Santaolalla, Gustavo | Haden, Charlie | Blade, Brian | Gedigier, Fran�cois | Kerouac, Jack, 1922-1969. On the road | Sundance Selects (Firm) | FilmFour (Firm) | Jerry Leider Company | Vanguard Films (Los Angeles, Calif.) | MK2 Productions | American Zoetrope (Firm) | MPI Home Video (Firm) | IFC Films.

Material type: visual material Visual material; Type of visual material: videorecording ; Audience: Adult; Availability: No items available

5. On the Road

by Kerouac, Jack.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Penguin Group USA 2012Availability: No items available