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1. OCLC systems & services.

by OCLC | Meckler Corporation | Mecklermedia Corporation | MCB University Press.

Material type: serial Continuing resource; Format: print ; Type of continuing resource: periodical Publisher: Westport, CT : Meckler, c1993-Other title: Online Computer Library Center systems and services..Online access: Concordia FULL TEXT (ProQuest): 11(1995)-1 Year Ago Availability: No items available

2. The Electronic library : the international journal for minicomputer, microcomputer, and software applications in libraries.

Material type: serial Continuing resource; Format: print ; Type of continuing resource: periodical Publisher: Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; Medford, NJ : Learned Information, c1983-Other title: The Electronic library..Online access: Alverno FULL TEXT | Concordia FULL TEXT (ProQuest): 16:3(1998)-1 Year Ago | Mt. Mary FULL TEXT: (1998)-1 Year Ago | Wisconsin Lutheran College FULL TEXT (ProQuest): v.16:3(Jun 1998)-to 1 year ago Availability: No items available