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1. Super soccer skills [dvd videorecording] /World Class Enterprises ; M2G Media.

by Metcalfe, Dan | Metcalfe, Joseph | Movieline Music (Firm) | World Class Enterprises (Firm) | Inspired Distribution.

Material type: visual material Visual material; Type of visual material: videorecording ; Audience: General; Publisher: Westlake Village, CA : Roseland, NJ : World Class Enterprises ; Distributed by Inspired Distribution, [2006]Availability: No items available

2. Easy freestyle [dvd videorecording] :21st century techniques for beginners to advanced swimmers / with TI coach Terry Laughlin ; concept, planning and script, Terry Laughlin ; USIA Video Productions.

by Laughlin, Terry | Total Immersion, Inc | USIA Video Productions.

Material type: visual material Visual material; Type of visual material: videorecording Publisher: New Paltz, NY : Total Immersion, c2008Other title: Total immersion : easy freestyle.Availability: No items available