Private international law and the retrospective operation of statutes; a treatise on the conflict of laws and the limits of their operation in respect of place and time. Translated, with notes, by William Guthrie. With an appendix containing the treatises of Bartolus, Molinaeus, Paul Voet, and Huber.
By: Savigny, Friedrich Karl von.
Contributor(s): Guthrie, William [ed.] | Bartolus, de Saxoferrato | Du Moulin, Charles | Voet, Paul | Huber, Ulrik.
Material type: BookPublisher: South Hackensack, N.J., Rothman Reprints, 1972Edition: 2d ed., rev.Description: xii, 567 p. 24 cm.Uniform titles: System des heutigen römischen Rechts. 8. Band. English Subject(s): Conflict of laws | Retroactive lawsDDC classification: 340.9No physical items for this record
Reprint of the 1880 ed.
Translation of v. 8 of Savigny's System des heutigen römischen Rechts.
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