The fog of war [video recording] /Directed by Errol Morris.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
Publisher: Culver City, CA : SOny Pictures, 2004Availability: No items available
God grew tired of us [videorecording] /Newmarket Films ; in associaiton with Silver Nitrate ; a National Geographic Films and Lost Boys of Sudan Inc. production ; a film by Christopher Quinn and Tommy Walker ; produced by Molly Bradford Pace, Christopher Quinn, Tommy Walker ; written by Christopher Quinn ; co-directed by Tommy Walker ; directed by Christopher Quinn.
by Quinn, Christopher (Christopher Dillon) | Kidman, Nicole, 1967- | Newmarket Films. Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2007Availability: No items available
Why we fight [videorecording] /Sony Pictures Classics presents ; produced by Eugene Jarecki, Susannah Shipman ; written and directed by Eugene Jarecki.
by Jarecki, Eugene | Sony Pictures Classics (Firm). Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, CA : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2006Availability: No items available
NBA All Star, the millennium's best [viedo recording].Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
Publisher: NBA Properties, Sony Computer Entertainment America, Best Buy, 2002Availability: No items available
Richard Pryor stand-uo comedy double feature / [Video recording]Columbia Pictures presents. Here and now: produced by Bob Parkinson and Andy Friendly ; written and directed by Richard Pryor. Live on the Sunset strip: written and produced by Richard Pryor ; directed by Joe Layton.
by Columbia Pictures. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2005Availability: No items available
The road to Memphis [videorecording] /Martin Scorsese presents ; a Road Movies/Vulcan production ; producer, Margaret Bodde ; series producer, Alex Gibney ; directed by Richard Pearce ; produced and recorded by Robert Kenner ; writer and associate producer, Robert Gordon.
by King, B. B | Rush, Bobby | Gordon, Rosco | Little Milton | Thomas, Rufus, 1917- | Little Richard | Domino, Fats, 1928- | Scorsese, Martin | Bodde, Margaret | Gibney, Alex | Pearce, Richard, 1943- | Kenner, Robert, producer | Gordon, Robert, 1961- | Road Movies Filmproduktion | Vulcan Productions | Sony Music Entertainment, Inc | Columbia Music Video (Firm). Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Music Entertainment/Columbia Music Video, c2003Availability: No items available
Red, white & blues [videorecording] /Martin Scorsese presents ; a Road Movies/Vulcan production ; producer, Margaret Bodde ; series producer, Alex Gibney ; directed by Mike Figgis ; producers, Mike Figgis, Louise Hammar and Shirani Sabratnam.
by Jones, Tom, 1928- | Beck, Jeff | Lulu, 1948- | Scorsese, Martin | Bodde, Margaret | Gibney, Alex | Figgis, Mike | Hammar, Louise | Sabratnam, Shirani | Road Movies Filmproduktion | Vulcan Productions | Sony Music Entertainment, Inc | Columbia Music Video (Firm). Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Music Entertainment/Columbia Music Video, c2003Availability: No items available
Godfathers and sons [videorecording] /Martin Scorsese presents ; a Road Movies/Vulcan production ; producer, Margaret Bodde ; series producer, Alex Gibney ; produced by Daphne Pinkerson & Marc Levin ; directed by Marc Levin.
by Scorsese, Martin | Bodde, Margaret | Gibney, Alex | Pinkerson, Daphne | Levin, Marc, 1951- | Road Movies Filmproduktion | Vulcan Productions | Sony Music Entertainment, Inc | Columbia Music Video (Firm). Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Music Entertainment/Columbia Music Video, c2003Availability: No items available
Bram Stoker's Dracula [videorecording] /Columbia Pictures presents an American Zoetrope, Osiris Films production ; screenplay by James V. Hart ; produced by Francis FordCoppola, Fred Fuchs, and Charles Mulvehill ; directed by Francis Ford Coppola.
by Oldman, Gary | Ryder, Winona, 1971- | Hopkins, Anthony, 1937- | Reeves, Keanu | Grant, Richard E, 1957- | Elwes, Cary, 1962- | Campbell, William, 1959- | Frost, Sadie, 1967- | Waits, Tom, 1949- | Coppola, Francis Ford, 1939- | Hart, James V | Fuchs, Fred (Fred S.) | Mulvehill, Charles | Stoker, Bram, 1847-1912. Dracula | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) | Columbia Pictures | American Zoetrope (Firm) | Osiris Films (Firm). Edition: [Widescreen format].Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005Other title: Dracula.Availability: No items available
Coco avant Chanel [videorecording] =Coco before Chanel / Haut et Court, Cine @ et Warner Bros. Pictures presentent une coproduction Haut et Court, ... [et al.], avec la participation de Canal+, Cinecinema, France 2 en association avec Films Distribution, ... [et al.] ; scenario, Anne Fontaine et Camille Fontaine avec la collaboration de Christopher Hampton et Jacques Fieschi ; produit par Caroline Benjo, ... [et al.] ; un film de Anne Fontaine.
by Fontaine, Anne | Fontaine, Camille. (Screenwriter) | Hampton, Christopher, 1946- | Fieschi, Jacques, 1948- | Desplat, Alexandre | Nivola, Alessandro | Tautou, Audrey, 1978- | Devos, Emmanuelle | Gillain, Marie, 1975- | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) | Sony Pictures Classics (Firm) | Haut et Court (Firm) | Cine-@ (Firm) | Warner Bros. Pictures (1969- ). Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2010Other title: Coco before Chanel.Availability: No items available
Capote [videorecording] /United Artists and Sony Pictures Classics present ; produced by Caroline Baron, Michael Ohoven, William Vince ; screenplay by Dan Futterman ; directed by Bennett Miller.
by Hoffman, Philip Seymour, 1967- | Keener, Catherine | Collins, Clifton, Jr | Futterman, Dan, 1967- | Miller, Bennett, 1966- | United Artists Corporation | Sony Pictures Classics (Firm). Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, CA : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006, 2005Availability: No items available
Being Julia [videorecording] /a Sony Pictures Classics release ; Serendipity Point Films presents ; screenplay by Ronald Harwood ; produced by Robert Lantos ; directed by István Szabó.
by Bening, Annette | Irons, Jeremy, 1948- | Harwood, Ronald, 1934- | Lantos, Robert, 1949- | Szabó, István, 1938- | Danna, Mychael | Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset), 1874-1965. Theatre | Sony Pictures Classics (Firm) | Serendipity Point Films. Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, CA : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005, c2004Availability: No items available
Across the universe [videorecording] /Revolution Studios presents ; screenplay by Dick Clement & Ian La Fernais ; produced by Suzanne Todd, Jennifer Todd, Matthew Gross ; directed by Julie Taymor.
by Wood, Evan Rachel, 1987- | Sturgess, Jim | Anderson, Joe | Clement, Dick | La Fernais, Ian | Todd, Jennifer, 1969- | Gross, Matthew | Taymore, Julie | Goldenthal, Elliot | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) | Revolution Studios. Edition: Widescreen format, Deluxe ed.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2008, c[2007]Availability: No items available
A man for all seasons [videorecording] /Columbia Pictures presents ; screenplay by Robert Bolt ; produced and directed by Fred Zinnemann.
by Hiller, Wendy | McKern, Leo, 1920-2002 | Shaw, Robert, 1927-1978 | Welles, Orson, 1915-1985 | York, Susannah | Scofield, Paul, 1922-2008 | Davenport, Nigel | Hurt, John, 1940- | Redgrave, Corin | Bolt, Robert | Zinnemann, Fred, 1907-1997 | Delerue, Georges, 1925-1992 | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) | Columbia Pictures. Edition: Widescreen format, Special ed.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006, c1966Availability: No items available
A love song for Bobby Long [videorecording] /Lions Gate Films, Destination Films and El Camino Pictures present a Crossroads Films and Bob Yari production ; produced by Bob Yari, R. Paul Miller, David Lancaster ; written for the screen and directed by Shainee Gabel.
by Travolta, John, 1954- | Johansson, Scarlett, 1984- | Macht, Gabriel, 1972- | Unger, Deborah Kara | Yari, Bob | Miller, R. Paul | Lancaster, David, producer | Gabel, Shainee | Larson, Nathan, 1970- | Capps, Ronald Everett. Off Magazine Street | Lion's Gate Films | Destination Films | El Camino Pictures | Crossroads Films (Firm). Edition: Widescreen formatMaterial type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005, c2004Other title: Bobby Long.Availability: No items available
The Lives of others [video recording] =Das leben der Anderen / eine film von FLorian Henckel von Donnersmarck ; eine Wiedemann & Berg Filmprodukton ; im Verleih der Buena Vista International ; in Coprodukton mit Bayerischer Rundfunk, Arte, Creado Film ; produzenten, Quirin Berg, Max Wiedmann ; buch und regie, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
Publisher: Culver City, CA : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [2007]Other title: Leben der Anderen..Availability: No items available
The last station [videorecording] /a Sony Pictures Classics release ; Egoli Tossell Film and Zephyr Films present ; producers, Chris Curling, Jens Meurer, Bonnie Arnold ; written by Michael Hoffman ; directed by Michael Hoffman.
by Duff, Anne-Marie | Plummer, Christopher | Mirren, Helen | McAvoy, James, 1979- | Giamatti, Paul | Hoffman, Michael, 1956- | Curling, Chris | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) | Sony Pictures Classics (Firm) | Egoli Tossell Film AG | Zephyr Films. Edition: [Blu-ray version, Widescreen format].Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2010Availability: No items available
Ladies in lavender [videorecording] /UK Film Council and Baker Street present ; in association with Future Films and Paradigm Hyde Films ; a Take Partnerships production of a Scala Productions film ; produced by Nicolas Brown ... [et al.] ; written and directed by Charles Dance.
by Dench, Judi, 1934- | Smith, Maggie, 1934- | McElhone, Natascha, 1971- | Brown, Nicholas | Dance, Charles | Hess, Nigel | UK Film Council | Baker Street Productions | Future Films | Paradigm Hyde Films. Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, CA : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005, c2004Availability: No items available
Julie & Julia [videorecording] /Columbia Pictures presents ; produced by Laurence Mark, Nora Ephron, Amy Robinson, Eric Steel ; screenplay by Nora Ephron ; directed by Nora Ephron.
by Desplat, Alexandre | Mark, Laurence | Ephron, Nora | Robinson, Amy | Steel, Eric | Streep, Meryl | Adams, Amy | Tucci, Stanley | Messina, Chris | Emond, Linda | Rajskub, Mary Lynn, 1971- | Lynch, Jane, 1960- | Sternhagen, Frances, 1930- | Powell, Julie. Julie & Julia | Child, Julia. My life in France | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) | Columbia Pictures Corporation. Edition: [Widescreen format].Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2009Other title: Julie and Julia.Availability: No items available
Joyeux noel [videorecording] =Merry Christmas / a Sony Pictures Classics release ; Nord-Ouest presents ; produced by Christophe Rossignon ; written and directed by Christian Carion.
by Carion, Christian | Kruger, Diane, 1976- | Fürmann, Benno, 1972- | Canet, Guillaume | Rossignon, Christophe | Sony Pictures Classics (Firm) | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm). Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2006Other title: Merry Christmas.Availability: No items available