Scotland [videorecording] /producer, Judy Kelly ; director, Iain B. Macdonald ; Pilot Film and TV Productions Ltd.
by McCormick, Megan | Kelly, Judy | Macdonald, Iain B | Pilot Film and Television Productions. Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: [Stockholm, Sweden] : Escapi New Media Studios, 2004Availability: No items available
Europe to the max, Treasures outside London [videorecording] /produced by Small World Productions.
by Maxa, Rudy | Small World Productions. Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Chicago, IL : Questar, 2006Other title: Treasures outside London.Availability: No items available
Europe to the max, Great cities of Europe [videorecording] /produced by Small World Productions Inc.
by Maxa, Rudy | Small World Productions. Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Chicago, IL : Questar Inc., [2006]Other title: Great cities of Europe.Availability: No items available
The departed [videorecording] /Warner Bros. Pictures presents ; screenplay by William Monahan ; produced by Brad Pitt, Brad Grey and Graham King ; directed by Martin Scorsese.
by DiCaprio, Leonardo | Damon, Matt | Nicholson, Jack | Monahan, William | Scorsese, Martin | Mai, Zhaohui, 1965- | Zhuang Wenqiang | Warner Bros. Pictures (1969- ). Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2007, 2006Availability: No items available
Nuovo cinema paradiso [videorecording] /Franco Cristaldi presenta ; un film di Giuseppe Tornatore ; produttore, by Franco Cristaldi ; soggetto sceneggiatura e rigia Guiseppe Tornatore.
by Noiret, Philippe | Perrin, Jacques | Attili, Antonella | Maggio, Pupella | Cascio, Salvatore | Tornatore, Guiseppe | Cristaldi, Franco | Giurato, Blasco | Morra, Mario, 1935- | Morricone, Ennio | Miramax Home Entertainment (Firm) | Buena Vista Home Entertainment (Firm) | Cristaldifilm (Firm). Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: [New York, N.Y.] : Burbank, CA : Miramax Home Entertainment ; Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, [2003], c1989Other title: Cinema paradiso, the new version.Availability: No items available
Calendar girls [videorecording] /directed by Nigel Cole ; written by Tim Firth, Juliette Towhidi.
by Cole, Nigel | Mirren, Helen | Walters, Julie, 1950- | Alderton, John, 1940-. Material type: Visual material; Format:
; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Burbank, CA : Buena Vista Home Video, 2004Availability: No items available
Osama [videorecording] /written and directed by Siddiq Barmak.
by Barmak, Siddiq | Golbahari, Marina | Herati, Arif. Edition: Widescreen.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Santa Monica, CA : MGM Home Entertainment, 2004Availability: No items available
No country for old men [videorecording] /Miramax Films and Paramount Vantage present ; a Mike Zoss production ; produced by Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen, Joel Coen ; written for the screen and directed by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen.
by Jones, Tommy Lee, 1946- | Bardem, Javier, 1969- | Brolin, Josh | Zoss, Mike | Rudin, Scott, 1958- | Coen, Ethan | Coen, Joel | Burwell, Carter | McCarthy, Cormac, 1933-. No country for old men | Miramax Films | Paramount Vantage | Buena Vista Home Entertainment (Firm). Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Burbank, Calif. : Miramax Films : Paramount Vantage : Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2008, c[2007]Availability: No items available
My sister's keeper [videorecording] /New Line Cinema presents a Mark Johnson/Curmudgeon/Scott L. Goldman production, a Nick Cassavets film ; produced by Mark Johnson, Chuck Pacheco, Scott L. Goldman ; screenplay by Jeremy Leven and Nick Cassavetes ; directed by Nick Cassavetes.
by Johnson, Mark | Pacheco, Chuck | Goldman, Scott L | Leven, Jeremy | Cassavetes, Nick | Diaz, Cameron | Breslin, Abigail, 1996- | Baldwin, Alec, 1958- | Patric, Jason | Cusack, Joan, 1962- | Picoult, Jodi, 1966-. My sister's keeper | New Line Cinema Corporation | Curmudgeon (Firm) | New Line Home Entertainment (Firm). Edition: Widescreen or standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Burbank, CA : New Line Home Entertainment, c2009Availability: No items available
The hurt locker [videorecording] /Summit Entertainment presents in association with Voltage Pictures, Grosvenor Park Media, LP. and F.C.E.F.SA., a Voltage Pictures/First Light/Kingsgate Films production ; a Kathryn Bigelow film ; produced by Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal, Nicolas Chartier, Greg Shapiro ; written by Mark Boal ; directed by Kathryn Bigelow.
by Bigelow, Kathryn | Boal, Mark | Chartier, Nicolas | Shapiro, Greg | Renner, Jeremy | Mackie, Anthony, 1979- | Geraghty, Brian | Lilly, Evangeline, 1979- | Camargo, Christian | Fiennes, Ralph | Morse, David, 1953- | Pearce, Guy, 1967- | Beltrami, Marco | Sanders, Buck | Summit Entertainment | Voltage Pictures (Firm) | Grosvenor Park Media | F.C.E.F.S.A. (Firm) | First Light (Firm) | Kingsgate (Firm). Edition: Widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: [Santa Monica, Calif.] : Summit Entertainment, 2010Availability: No items available
Alfred Hitchcock [videorecording] :the masterpiece collection / directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
by Hitchcock, Alfred, 1899-1980. Edition: Standard format (Saboteur, Shadow of a doubt, Rope) & widescreen format (Rear window, The trouble with Harry, The man who knew too much, Vertigo, Psycho, The birds, Marnie, Torn curtain, Topaz, Frenzy, Family plot).Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Universal City, CA : Universal Studios Home Video, c2005Availability: No items available
From Russia with love [videorecording] /screenplay by Richard Maibaum ; produced by Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman ; directed by Terence Young ; United Artists Corporation.
by Connery, Sean | Bianchi, Daniela, 1942- | Maibaum, Richard | Young, Terence, 1915-1994 | Broccoli, Albert R, 1909-1996 | Saltzman, Harry, 1915-1994 | Barry, John, 1933- | Fleming, Ian, 1908-1964. From Russia with love | MGM Home Entertainment Inc | Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc | United Artists Corporation. Edition: [Widescreen format].Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: [Los Angeles, CA] : Beverly Hills, CA : MGM Home Entertainment ; Distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2007, c1963Other title: Ian Fleming's From Russia with love.Availability: No items available
Sense & sensibility [videorecording] /a BBC/WGBH Boston co-production ; written by Andrew Davies ; directed by John Alexander ; produced by Anne Pivcevic.
by local | Morrissey, David | McTeer, Janet, Davies, Andrew | 1936- | Alexander, John | Pivcevic, Anne, Austen, Jane. 1775-1817 | Sense and sensibility | BBC Video (Firm) | Warner Home Video (Firm) | British Broadcasting Corporation. Edition: [Widescreen format].Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: [U.K.] : Burbank, CA : BBC Video ; Distributed by Warner Home Video, 2008, c2007Other title: Sense and sensibility | Jane Austen's Sense & sensibility | Jane Austen's Sense and sensibility.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: No items available
Precious [videorecording] /presented by Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry ; Lee Daniels Entertainment ; Smokewood Entertainment Group ; produced by Lee Daniels, Gary Magness, Sarah Siegel-Magness ; screenplay by Geoffrey Fletcher ; directed by Lee Daniels.
by Winfrey, Oprah | Perry, Tyler | Daniels, Lee | Magness, Gary | Siegel-Magness, Sarah | Fletcher, Geoffrey | Mo'Nique | Patton, Paula | Carey, Mariah | Kravitz, Lenny | Sidibe, Gabourey | Shepherd, Sherri, 1967- | Grigorov, Mario | Sapphire, 1950-. Push | Lionsgate (Firm) | Lee Daniels Entertainment (Firm) | Smokewood Entertainment Group (Firm). Edition: [Widescreen format].Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. : Lionsgate, 2010Availability: No items available
Joy & anger / Jennifer Blake.
by Blake, Jennifer, 1942-. Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Publisher: New York : Fawcett Columbine, 1991Availability: No items available
Don't look down / Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer.
by Crusie, Jennifer | Mayer, Bob, 1959-. Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Publisher: New York : St. Martin's Press, 2006Availability: No items available
Love walked in : a novel / Marisa de los Santos.
by De los Santos, Marisa, 1966-. Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Publisher: New York : Dutton, [2006], c2005Availability: No items available
Frames : a Valentino mystery / Loren D. Estleman.
by Estleman, Loren D. Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Publisher: New York : Forge, 2008Availability: No items available
Cherry cheesecake murder : a Hannah Swensen mystery with recipes / Joanne Fluke.
by Fluke, Joanne, 1943-. Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Kensington Books, 2006Availability: No items available
The Italian lover : a novel / Robert Hellenga.
by Hellenga, Robert, 1941-. Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Publisher: New York : Little, Brown, 2007Availability: No items available