Do the alphabet [videorecording] /Children's Television Workshop ; Sesame Street Home Video ; Jim Henson Productions. Inc. ; Jim Henson's Muppet Workshop ; producer, Karin Young Shiel ; director, John Ferraro ; writer, Sara Compton.
by Joel, Billy | Henson, Jim | Spinney, Caroll | Rudman, David | Shiel, Karin Young | Ferraro, John | Compton, Sara | Children's Television Workshop | Jim Henson Productions | Muppet Workshop | Sony Wonder (Firm). Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder, c1996Availability: No items available
The dark crystal [videorecording] /The Jim Henson Company presents ; directed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz ; produced by Jim Henson and Gary Kurtz ; screenplay by David Odell.
by Henson, Jim | Oz, Frank | Kurtz, Gary | Odell, David | Jones, Trevor, 1949- | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) | Jim Henson Company. Edition: Widescreen format, 25th anniversary ed.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2007, 1982Other title: Jim Henson's The dark crystal.Availability: No items available
Zathura [videorecording] /Columbia Pictures presents ; a Radar Pictures/Teitler Film/Michael De Luca production ; screenplay by David Koepp & John Kamps ; produced by William Teitler, Scott Kroopf, Michael De Luca ; directed by Jon Favreau.
by Hutcherson, Josh | Bobo, Jonah | Shepard, Dax, 1975- | De Luca, Michael, 1965- | Koepp, David | Kamps, John | Teitler, William | Kroopf, Scott | Favreau, Jon | Debney, John | Van Allsburg, Chris. Zathura | Columbia Pictures | Radar Pictures | Teitler Film (Firm). Edition: Special ed.; widescreen format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006, c2005Availability: No items available
The water horse [videorecording] :legend of the deep / Revolution Studios, Walden Media and Beacon Pictures present ; an Ecosse Films Production ; screenplay by Robert Nelson Jacobs ; produced by Robert Bernstein ... [et al.] ; directed by Jay Russell.
by Watson, Emily, 1967- | Etel, Alex | Chaplin, Ben | Morrissey, David | Cox, Brian, 1946- | Jacobs, Robert Nelson | Bernstein, Robert | Russell, Jay, 1960- | Howard, James Newton | King-Smith, Dick | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) | Revolution Studios | Walden Media | Beacon Pictures | Ecosse Films (Firm). Edition: [Widescreen or standard format], 2-disc special ed.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2008, c2007Availability: No items available
Sing yourself sillier at the movies [videorecording] /producer, Karin Young Shiel ; director, Victor DiNapoli ; writer, Christine Ferraro ; Sesame Workshop.
by Spinney, Caroll | Robinson, Martin P | Goelz, Dave | Henson, Jim | Shiel, Karin Young | DiNapoli, Victor | Ferraro, Christine | Sesame Workshop. Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder, c2005Availability: No items available
A Sesame Street Christmas carol [videorecording] /producer, Jennifer Smith ; director, Victor DiNapoli ; special material for home video written by Rickey Boyd ; Sesame Workshop.
by Spinney, Caroll | Mazzarino, Joseph | Vogel, Matt | Martin, Jim | Curry, Tim | Boyd, Rickey | Chenoweth, Kristin | Clash, Kevin | Smith, Jennifer | DiNapoli, Victor | Sony Wonder (Firm) | Sesame Workshop. Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder, c2006Availability: No items available
Santa Claus is comin' to town [videorecording] /Rankin/Bass ; Videocraft International ; produced and directed by Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass ; teleplay by Romeo Mulle.
by Astaire, Fred | Rooney, Mickey | Wynn, Keenan, 1916-1986 | Rankin, Arthur, Jr | Bass, Jules | Muller, Romeo | Rankin/Bass Productions | Videocraft International, Ltd | Westminster Children's Choir. Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder/Classic Media, c2007Other title: Santa Claus is coming to town.Availability: No items available
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer [videorecording] /written by Romeo Muller ; director, Larry Roemer ; produced by Arthur Rankin ; Classic Media, Inc.
by Ives, Burl, 1909-1995 | Muller, Romeo | Roemer, Larry | Rankin, Arthur, Jr | May, Robert Lewis, 1905-. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer | Classic Media, Inc | Destiny's Child (Musical group). Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder, c2004Availability: No items available
Frosty the snowman [videorecording] /Classic Media.
by Durante, Jimmy | De Wolfe, Billy, 1907-1974 | Vernon, Jackie | Frees, Paul | Foray, June | Winters, Jonathan | Hooks, Jan | Martin, Andrea, 1947- | Doyle-Murray, Brian | Moss, Elisabeth, 1983- | Carter, Michael Patrick | Goodman, John, 1952- | Rankin, Arthur, Jr | Bass, Jules | Muller, Romeo | Goldstick, Oliver | Casemiro, Eryk | Melendez, Bill | Brown, Evert | Nelson, Steve, 1907-. Frosty the snowman | Rollins, Jack, 1906-1973. Frosty the snowman | Lewis, Jim | Sony Wonder (Firm) | Classic Media, Inc | Rankin/Bass Productions | CBS Inc. Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder, 2004, c1969Availability: No items available
Father Christmas [videorecording] /directed by Dave Unwin ; produced by John Coates ; produced by Blooming Productions Ltd. at TVC London for Channel 4 Television Company Ltd. ; in association with Palace Video Ltd. and GaGa Communications Inc.
by Hunt, William Dennis | Unwin, Dave | Coates, John | Briggs, Raymond. Snowman (Boston, Mass.) | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm) | Blooming Productions | TVC London | Channel Four (Great Britain) | Palace Video Ltd | GaGa Communications Inc. Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006, c1991Other title: Raymond Briggs' Father Christmas.Availability: No items available
Arthur's perfect Christmas [videorecording] /Sony Wonder ; Random House Home Video ; producers, Cassandra Schafhausen, Lesley Taylor ; director, Greg Bailey ; writer, Peter K. Hirsch ; voice director, Debra Toffan ; Marc Brown Studios ; CINAR ; WGBH.
by Schafhausen, Cassandra | Taylor, Lesley | Bailey, Greg | Hirsch, Peter K | Toffan, Debra | Brown, Marc Tolon | Sony Wonder (Firm) | Random House Video | Marc Brown Studios | CINAR Productions Inc | WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.). Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder, 2002, c2000Other title: Marc Brown's Arthur's perfect Christmas.Availability: No items available
The legend of Sleepy Hollow [videorecording] /written by Washington Irving ; Rabbit Ears Productions ; produced by Mark Sottnick ; directed by Robert Van Nutt.
by Van Nutt, Robert | Close, Glenn, 1947- | Irving, Washington, 1783-1859. Legend of Sleepy Hollow | Rabbit Ears Productions. Material type: Visual material; Format:
; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Stanford, CA : Sony, 1988Availability: No items available
The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher ; The Tale of Peter Rabbit videorecording /Rabbit Ears Productions.
by Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943. Material type: Visual material; Format:
; Type of visual material:
Publisher: [S.l.] : Sony Video Software Company, c1988Availability: No items available
The tailor of Gloucester [videorecording] /by Beatrix Potter ; Rabbit Ears Productions ; produced by Mark Sottnick ; illustrated by David Jorgensen.
by Streep, Meryl | Jorgensen, David | Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 | Chieftains. Material type: Visual material; Format:
; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: [New York] : Sony, 1988Availability: No items available
Pecos Bill [videorecording] /adapted by Brian Gleeson ; Rabbit Ears Productions ; produced by Mark Sottnick ; illustrations by Tim Raglin.
by Gleeson, Brian | Williams, Robin, 1952- | Rabbit Ears Productions. Material type: Visual material; Format:
; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: [New York] : Sony, 1988Availability: No items available
Elmo's musical adventure [videorecording]The story of Peter and the wolf. Featuring the Sesame Sstreet Muppets.Material type: Visual material; Type of visual material:
Publisher: New York : Sony WOnder, 2001Availability: No items available
Do the alphabet! [videorecording] /Children's Television Workshop ; Sesame Street Home Video ; Jim Henson Productions. Inc. ; Jim Henson's Muppet Workshop ; producer, Karin Young Shiel ; directed by John Ferraro, Emily Squires, John Stone ; written by Sara Compton, Tony Geiss, Ian James.
by Spinney, Caroll | Rudman, David | Joel, Billy | Calud, Annette | Shiel, Karin Young | Ferraro, John | Squires, Emily | Stone, Jon | Compton, Sara | Geiss, Tony | James, Ian | Children's Television Workshop | Jim Henson Productions | Muppet Workshop | Sony Wonder (Firm) | Sesame Street Home Video. Material type: Visual material; Format:
; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder, c1996Availability: No items available
CinderElmo [videorecording] /Children's Television Workshop ; directed by Bruce Leddy ; written by Tony Geiss ; produced by Jill Danton.
by Leddy, Bruce | Geiss, Tony | Danton, Jill | Stewart, French | Russell, Keri | Platt, Oliver | Najimy, Kathy | Clash, Kevin | Children's Television Workshop | Sony Wonder (Firm). Material type: Visual material; Format:
; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder, c2000Other title: Cinder Elmo.Availability: No items available
Birthdays, games & more! [videorecording] /producers, Melissa Dino, Carol-Lynn Parente ; head writer, Judy Freudberg ; directors, Ken Diego, Steve Feldman ; Sesame Workshop ; Sesame Street Home Video.
by Clash, Kevin | Lyon, Rick | Martin, Jim | Tartaglia, John | Vogel, Matt | Irwin, Bill, 1950- | Jeter, Michael | Renzi, Mike | Dino, Melissa | Parente, Carol-Lynn | Freudberg, Judy | Diego, Ken | Feldman, Steve | Jim Henson's Sesame Street Muppets | Sony Wonder (Firm) | Sesame Workshop | Sesame Street Home Video. Material type: Visual material; Format:
; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Sony Wonder, c2001Other title: Birthdays, games and more!.Availability: No items available
Babies, dogs & more! [videorecording] /directors, Ted May, Steve Feldman, Ken Diego ; writers, Tony Glass, Annie Evans, Emily Kingsley ; Sesame Street Home Video.
by Clash, Kevin | Jeter, Michael | May, Ted | Feldman, Steve | Diego, Ken | Glass, Tony | Evans, Annie | Kingsley, Emily Perl | Sony Wonder (Firm) | Sesame Street Home Video. Material type: Visual material; Format:
; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: New York, : Sony Wonder, c2000Other title: Babies, dogs and more!.Availability: No items available