Protein and energy supply for high production of milk and meat : proceedings of a symposium of the Committee on Agricultural Problems of the Economic Commission for Europe and the Food and Agriculture Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-15 January 1981.
- 1st ed.
- Oxford ; New York : Published for the United Nations by Pergamon Press, 1982.
- xii, 191 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Symposium on Observations on the Practical Use of New Sources of Protein in Relation to Energy Supply for High Production of Milk and Meat, held in Geneva, 12-15 January, 1981.
Bibliography: p. 126-138.
Recent advances in the study of substance conversion in the stomachs of ruminants / N.V. Kurilov, et al. -- Recent advances in our understanding of the significance of rumen fermentation / S. Tamminga -- Recent advances in understanding protein-energy interrelationships in intermediary metabolism of ruminants / J.D. Oldham and G. Alderman -- L'Importance des relations proteines-energie dans la pratique de l'alimentation du betail laitier / M. Journet -- The significance of protein/energy relationships in the practical feeding of dairy cattle / I. Kolar, A. Sommer, and B. Venel -- The significance of protein/energy relationships in the practical feeding of dairy cattle under subtropical conditions / I. Bruckental, S. Amir, and A. Halevi -- Significance of protein/energy relationships in the practical feeding of dairy cattle under the climatic conditions of Northern Europe / L. Syrj�al�a -- The significance of using special protein in early lactation / W. Kaufmann -- The optimum protein supply for young fattening bulls on a high-energy level / K. Rohr, R. Daenicke, and H. Oslage -- Present experimental results on protein/energy relationships in the feeding of dairy and beef cattle in Denmark / P.D. M�ller.
0080289096 : $30.00 (est.)
Cattle--Feeding and feeds--Congresses. Proteins in animal nutrition--Congresses. Rumen fermentation--Congresses. Proteins--Metabolism--Congresses.