Code of federal regulations. LSA, list of CFR sections affected. List of sections affected List of CFR sections affected LSA, list of CFR sections affected LSA - [Washington, D.C.?] : National Archives of the United States : [Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor] Latest received:OCT 2014; - v. ; 24 cm. - Monthly, with Mar., June, Sept., and Dec. issues being cumulative from Jan. - Began with Aug. 1977.

Includes U.S.C.-C.F.R. table of authorities. Vols. for <1987-> distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche.

Mar. cumulation covers Titles 17-27; June cumulation, Titles 28-41; Sept. cumulation, Titles 42-50; Dec. cumulation, Titles 1-16.

Vols. for prepared by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service; prepared by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration.

Recompiled in: Code of federal regulations. List of sections affected.

769-001-00000-0 Subscription available from: Supt. of Docs., P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000

sn 85010253

8007529 DNLM C28215200 DNLM

Code of federal regulations--Indexes--Periodicals.
Federal register--Indexes--Periodicals.

Delegated legislation--United States--Indexes--Periodicals.

0573-C, 0573-G

GS 4.108/3: AE 2.106/2: