Prevention (magazine) 2010. - [Emmaus, Pa. : Rodale Press, 1950?- - v. ; 24 cm. - Monthly - [Vol. 1, no. 1] (June [1950])- Title from cover. Issued also in French and German. CURRENT 2 YEARS IN BURNHAM READING ROOM. Also referred to as: Prevention magazine. Full text on Health InfoTrac Readers' guide to periodical literature 0034-0464 ProQuest Health InfoTrac ISSN: 0032-8006 CODEN: PRVEAT LCCN: 54017897 //r88 Subjects--Topical Terms: Hygiene--Periodicals.Medicine, Popular--Periodicals.Periodicals Collection LC Class. No.: RA421 / .P68 Dewey Class. No.: 613.05 National Library of Medicine Call No.: W1 PR496