In my family /
En mi familia
= En mi familia.
paintings and stories by Carmen Lomas Garza ; as told to Harriet Rohmer ; edited by David Schecter = En mi familia / cuadros y relatos de Carmen Lomas Garza ; contados por Harriet Rohmer ; editados por David Schecter.
- San Francisco, Calif. : Children's Book Press, c1996.
- [32] p. : col. ill. ; 23 x 27 cm.
Wilson's Children School Library Journal Booklist
The author describes, in bilingual text and illustrations, her experiences growing up in an Hispanic community in Texas.
2.8 Follett Library Resources 3-6
Text in English and Spanish.
96007471 /AC
Lomas Garza, Carmen--Childhood and youth--Juvenile literature.
Hispanic American families--Juvenile literature. Hispanic Americans--Social life and customs--Juvenile literature. Hispanic American families--Juvenile literature.--Texas--Kingsville Hispanic Americans--Social life and customs--Juvenile literature.--Texas--Kingsville Hispanic Americans--Social life and customs. Spanish language --Juvenile literature. Hispanic Americans--Social life and customs. Bilingual books--English-Spanish.
Kingsville (Tex.)--Social life and customs--Juvenile literature.