Fruits basket, volume 3 / Natsuki Takaya ; [translators, Alethea Nibley and Athena Nibley ; retouch and lettering, Deron Bennett].
By: Takaya, Natsuki.
Contributor(s): Nibley, Alethea [tr.] | Nibley, Athena [tr.].
Material type:
Translated from the Japanese.
"100 % authentic manga"--Colophon.
"Printed "manga-style" in the authentic Japanese right-to-left format ... none of the artwork has been flipped or altered"--Colophon.
Tohru Honda, taken in by the Sohma family after the death of her mother, learns that each member of the Sohma family is possessed by the vengeful spirit of an animal from the Chinese zodiac that mades an appearance whenever the victim becomes weak or is hugged--making Valentine's Day very exciting.
Young Adult
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