"What's that smell?" (oh, it's me.) : 50 mortifying situations and how to deal / by Tucker Shaw.
By: Shaw, Tucker.
Material type: BookPublisher: New York : Alloy Books, 2003Description: 153 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.ISBN: 0142500119 (pbk.).Other title: "What is that smell?" (oh, it is me).Subject(s): Embarrassment | Self-consciousnessDDC classification: 152.4 Summary: Provides specific advice to teens on how to handle fifty embarrassing situations that can occur with parents, boyfriends or girlfriends, in social situations, at school, and online.No physical items for this record
Provides specific advice to teens on how to handle fifty embarrassing situations that can occur with parents, boyfriends or girlfriends, in social situations, at school, and online.
Young Adult
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