Fun with physics / by Susan McGrath.
By: McGrath, Susan.
Material type: BookSeries: Books for world explorers. Publisher: Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society, c1986Description: 104 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm.ISBN: 0870445766 :; 0870445812 (lib. bdg.) :.Subject(s): Physics -- Juvenile literature | Physics | PhysicsDDC classification: 530 Summary: Explains how physics is involved in all aspects of our lives--through chapters on physics in fun, nature, home, and sports--and presents activities to demonstrate physical principles.Includes index.
One folded poster/game in pocket.
Bibliography: p. 104.
Explains how physics is involved in all aspects of our lives--through chapters on physics in fun, nature, home, and sports--and presents activities to demonstrate physical principles.
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