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Bury my bones but keep my words : African tales for retelling / retold by Tony Fairman ; illustrated by Meshack Asare.

By: Fairman, Tony.
Contributor(s): Asare, Meshack, 1945- [ill.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York : Holt, 1992Edition: 1st American ed.Description: 192 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 080502333X (acidfree paper) :.Subject(s): Tales -- Africa | Folklore -- Africa | Folklore -- AfricaDDC classification: 398.2/096 Summary: A collection of thirteen traditional tales from various regions of Africa, including "The Man with a Tree on His Head," "There's One Day for the Victim," and "The Two Swindlers."
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Wilson's Junior High School

School Library Journal

Child Study Children's Book Committee

A collection of thirteen traditional tales from various regions of Africa, including "The Man with a Tree on His Head," "There's One Day for the Victim," and "The Two Swindlers."

5.6 Follett Library Resources


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