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A spy in the White House / by Ron Roy ; illustrated by Timothy Bush.

By: Roy, Ron, 1940-.
Contributor(s): Bush, Timothy [ill.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Capital mysteries ; 4. Publisher: New York : Random House, c2004Edition: 1st ed.Description: 86 p. : ill., map ; 21 cm.ISBN: 0375825576 (pbk.); 0375925570 (lib. bdg.); 0329376322.Subject(s): White House (Washington, D.C.) -- Fiction | Spies -- Fiction | Weddings -- Fiction | Mystery and detective stories | White House (Washington, D.C.) -- Fiction | Spy stories | Weddings -- Fiction | Mystery fictionDDC classification: [Fic] | [E] Summary: KC tries to uncover the White House spy who is leaking secrets about the upcoming wedding of her mother and the president.
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"A Stepping Stone book."

KC tries to uncover the White House spy who is leaking secrets about the upcoming wedding of her mother and the president.

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