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Too many ponies / Jeanne Betancourt ; illustrated by Paul Bachem.

By: Betancourt, Jeanne.
Contributor(s): Bachem, Paul [ill.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Betancourt, Jeanne. Pony Pals: #6.Publisher: New York : Scholastic Inc., c1995Description: 86 p. : ill., map ; 20 cm.ISBN: 0590252453 (pbk.) :.Subject(s): Ponies -- Fiction | Friendship -- Fiction | Ponies -- Fiction | Friendship -- FictionDDC classification: [Fic] Summary: Pam's new job of schooling ponies is taking time away from her own pony, Lightning, and from her friends Lulu and Anna, who are angry that she never goes horseback riding with them anymore.
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"A Little Apple paperback."

Pam's new job of schooling ponies is taking time away from her own pony, Lightning, and from her friends Lulu and Anna, who are angry that she never goes horseback riding with them anymore.

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