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Ivy + Bean take care of the babysitter / written by Annie Barrows ; illustrated by Sophie Blackall.

By: Barrows, Annie.
Contributor(s): Blackall, Sophie [ill.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Barrows, Annie. Ivy + Bean: bk. 4.Publisher: San Francisco : Chronicle Books, c2008Description: 122 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.ISBN: 9780811856850 (trade); 0811856852.Other title: Ivy plus Bean take care of the babysitter | Ivy and Bean take care of the babysitter | Ivy & Bean take care of the babysitter | Take care of the babysitter.Subject(s): Sisters -- Juvenile fiction | Babysitters -- Juvenile fiction | Human behavior -- Juvenile fiction | Sisters -- Fiction | Babysitters -- Fiction | Behavior -- Fiction | Sisters -- Fiction | Babysitters -- Fiction | Human behavior -- FictionDDC classification: [E] Summary: Ivy, left in the care of her mean older sister Nancy for the afternoon, enlists her best friend Ivy in a plot to prove Nancy is the worst babysitter ever.
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Ivy, left in the care of her mean older sister Nancy for the afternoon, enlists her best friend Ivy in a plot to prove Nancy is the worst babysitter ever.

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