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The karate class mystery / by Elizabeth Levy ; illustrated by Denise Brunkus.

By: Levy, Elizabeth.
Contributor(s): Brunkus, Denise [ill.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Hello reader!Level 4. Levy, Elizabeth. Invisible Inc: #5.Publisher: New York : Scholastic Inc., 1996Description: p. cm.ISBN: 059060323X.Subject(s): Karate -- Fiction | Lost and found possessions -- Fiction | Mystery and detective storiesDDC classification: [Fic] Summary: When someone takes Justin's karate belt, his friends in Invisible Inc. try to determine a motive as they investigate the mystery.
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When someone takes Justin's karate belt, his friends in Invisible Inc. try to determine a motive as they investigate the mystery.

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