Good night, Gorilla-- and more bedtime stories [videorecording] /a Weston Woods release.
Contributor(s): Edwards, Anthony | Yolen, Jane | Leebaert, Melissa | Gagne, Paul R | Duga, Donald | Verbitsky, Irra | Reilly, Melissa | Albrecht, Maciek | Ivanick, Daniel | Rathmann, Peggy. Good night, Gorilla | Teague, Mark [ill.] | Asch, Frank. Happy birthday, Moon | Wood, Audrey. Napping house | Wood, Don [ill.] | Scholastic Inc | New Video Group | Weston Woods Studios | Polestar Films and Associated Arts | DMI Productions.
Material type:
Recommended for age
Animated and iconographic.
Collective title from menu screen, disc label, and container.
Good night, Gorilla voice: Anthony Edwards.
How do dinosaurs say good night narrated by Jane Yolen.
Happy birthday, Moon and Napping house narration by Melissa Leebaert.
Animation, Don Duga & Irra Verbitsky (1), Magik Studio (2) ; edited by Jim Bresnahan (3) ; music by Jerry Dale McFadden(2), Ernest Troost (3-4).
Good night, Gorilla from the book by Peggy Rathmann.
How do dinosaurs say good night from the book by Jane Yolen and illustrated by Mark Teague.
Happy birthday, Moon based upon the book by Frank Asch.
Napping house from the book by Audrey Wood and illustrated by Don Wood.
Originally produced in 1985 (3), 1998 (1), and 2002 (2).
Includes read-along, trailer, and bonus stories: The paperboy, Patrick, and The hat.
Presents four bedtime stories, including the title work in which an unobservant zookeeper is followed home by all the animals he thinks he has left behind in the zoo.
Good night, Gorilla / produced by Polestar Animation ; produced by Paul R. Gagne ; directed by Don Duga & Irra Verbitsky -- How do dinosaurs say good night? / produced by Paul R. Gagne, Melissa Reilly ; directed by Maciek Albrecht -- Happy birthday, Moon / produced by Paul Gagne ; directed and animated by Daniel Ivanick ; produced by DMI Productions -- Napping house / adapted and directed by Paul Gagne.
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