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The complete adventures of the mole sisters : ten stories / written and illustrated by Roslyn Schwartz.

By: Schwartz, Roslyn, 1951-.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Schwartz, Roslyn, Mole Sisters series: Publisher: Toronto ; New York : Buffalo, NY : Annick Press ; Distributed in the U.S.A. by Firefly Books (U.S.), c2004Description: 167 p. : col. ill. ; 15 x 23 cm.ISBN: 155037883X (trade bdg.); 1415559775 (BWI bdg.).Other title: Mole sisters.Subject(s): Mole sisters (Fictitious characters) -- Juvenile fiction | Moles (Animals) -- Juvenile fiction | Mole sisters (Fictitious characters) -- Fiction | Moles (Animals) -- Fiction | Mole sisters (Fictitious characters) -- Fiction | Moles (Animals) -- FictionDDC classification: [E]
The mole sisters and the busy bees -- The mole sisters and the rainy day -- The mole sisters and the fairy ring -- The mole sisters and the moonlit night -- The mole sisters and the piece of moss -- The mole sisters and the wavy wheat -- The mole sisters and the blue egg -- The mole sisters and the cool breeze -- The mole sisters and the the question -- The mole sisters and the way home.
Summary: Collects the complete Mole Sisters series about two lovable moles who are enthusiastic about everything.
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Collects the complete Mole Sisters series about two lovable moles who are enthusiastic about everything.

The mole sisters and the busy bees -- The mole sisters and the rainy day -- The mole sisters and the fairy ring -- The mole sisters and the moonlit night -- The mole sisters and the piece of moss -- The mole sisters and the wavy wheat -- The mole sisters and the blue egg -- The mole sisters and the cool breeze -- The mole sisters and the the question -- The mole sisters and the way home.

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