Ahmad, S.
Human Resource Management in Practic/ Print. By Shoeb Ahmad: - New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House PVT.LTD, C 2015. - 296P.: ill.; 24cm.
Includes Reference and Index.
Performance Apraisal/
Compensation management/
Grievance Handling managing/
Carears Recruitment and selection Aspert,
HF5549 / .A35 2015.
Human Resource Management in Practic/ Print. By Shoeb Ahmad: - New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House PVT.LTD, C 2015. - 296P.: ill.; 24cm.
Includes Reference and Index.
Performance Apraisal/
Compensation management/
Grievance Handling managing/
Carears Recruitment and selection Aspert,
HF5549 / .A35 2015.