Sarno, John E., 1923-
Healing back pain : the mind-body connection / John E. Sarno. - New York, NY : Warner Books, c1991. - xii, 193 p. ; 21 cm.
"Successor to Mind over back pain, which was published in 1984"--p. vii. Includes index.
0446392308 : $9.95 U.S.A. ($12.95 Can.)
Backache--Psychological aspects.
Neck pain--Psychological aspects.
Mind and body.
RD771.B217 / S27 1991
Healing back pain : the mind-body connection / John E. Sarno. - New York, NY : Warner Books, c1991. - xii, 193 p. ; 21 cm.
"Successor to Mind over back pain, which was published in 1984"--p. vii. Includes index.
0446392308 : $9.95 U.S.A. ($12.95 Can.)
Backache--Psychological aspects.
Neck pain--Psychological aspects.
Mind and body.
RD771.B217 / S27 1991