Graeme, J. G.
Operational amplifiers; design and applications. Jerald G. Graeme, editor, pt. 1; Gene E. Tobey, editor, pt. 2; Lawrence P. Huelsman, consulting editor. - New York : McGraw-Hill, [1971] - xvii, 473 p. illus. 24 cm.
"A complete treatment of the design and application as well as the theory and testing of operational amplifiers has been developed by the staff of Burr-Brown."
Includes bibliographies.
Operational amplifiers
Operational amplifiers; design and applications. Jerald G. Graeme, editor, pt. 1; Gene E. Tobey, editor, pt. 2; Lawrence P. Huelsman, consulting editor. - New York : McGraw-Hill, [1971] - xvii, 473 p. illus. 24 cm.
"A complete treatment of the design and application as well as the theory and testing of operational amplifiers has been developed by the staff of Burr-Brown."
Includes bibliographies.
Operational amplifiers