Bowen, Rhys.
Royal blood / Rhys Bowen. - 1st ed. - New York : Berkley Prime Crime, 2010. - 305p. ; 22 cm. - A royal spyness mystery. .
To escape her hateful brother, Georgie Rannoch, penniless and thirty-fourth in line to the throne, accepts an invitation from the queen to represent the royals at a Transylvanian wedding in a macabre castle, only to find the bride with a bloody chin, a guest poisoned, and murderous mystery in the air.
9780425234464 0425234460
GBB083573 bnb
Aristocracy (Social class)--Fiction.
Transylvania (Romania)--Fiction.
Humorous fiction.
Mystery fiction.
Detective and mystery stories.
Royal blood / Rhys Bowen. - 1st ed. - New York : Berkley Prime Crime, 2010. - 305p. ; 22 cm. - A royal spyness mystery. .
To escape her hateful brother, Georgie Rannoch, penniless and thirty-fourth in line to the throne, accepts an invitation from the queen to represent the royals at a Transylvanian wedding in a macabre castle, only to find the bride with a bloody chin, a guest poisoned, and murderous mystery in the air.
9780425234464 0425234460
GBB083573 bnb
Aristocracy (Social class)--Fiction.
Transylvania (Romania)--Fiction.
Humorous fiction.
Mystery fiction.
Detective and mystery stories.