Blackwood, Alan, 1932-
The orchestra : an introduction to the world of classical music / by Alan Blackwood. - Brookfield, Conn. : Millbrook Press, 1993. - 93 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
"A First guide." "A Quarto book"--T.p. verso. Includes index.
Elem. School Library Collection School Library Journal Child Study Children's Book Committee
Traces the history of the orchestra and discusses the musical instruments that make up the various orchestral families.
7.1 Follett Library Resources 5-8
1562947087 (trade ed.) 1562942026 (lib. ed.) : $16.90 (est.)
92018412 /AC/MN
Orchestra--Juvenile literature.
Musical instruments--Juvenile literature.
Musical instruments.
Musical instruments.
ML1200 / .B54 1993
The orchestra : an introduction to the world of classical music / by Alan Blackwood. - Brookfield, Conn. : Millbrook Press, 1993. - 93 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
"A First guide." "A Quarto book"--T.p. verso. Includes index.
Elem. School Library Collection School Library Journal Child Study Children's Book Committee
Traces the history of the orchestra and discusses the musical instruments that make up the various orchestral families.
7.1 Follett Library Resources 5-8
1562947087 (trade ed.) 1562942026 (lib. ed.) : $16.90 (est.)
92018412 /AC/MN
Orchestra--Juvenile literature.
Musical instruments--Juvenile literature.
Musical instruments.
Musical instruments.
ML1200 / .B54 1993