Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.
Rilke on love and other difficulties. Translations and considerations of Rainer Maria Rilke [by] John J.L. Mood. - [1st ed.] - New York, Norton [1975] - 117 p. 21 cm.
Selections from letters and essays in English; poems in English and German.
74006012 //r83
PT2635.I65 / A6 1975
Rilke on love and other difficulties. Translations and considerations of Rainer Maria Rilke [by] John J.L. Mood. - [1st ed.] - New York, Norton [1975] - 117 p. 21 cm.
Selections from letters and essays in English; poems in English and German.
74006012 //r83
PT2635.I65 / A6 1975